If you're squeamish about handling meat, maybe you shouldn't be eating it
(Picture: Metro.co.uk)

Sainsbury’s has announced it’s bringing in pouches to allow customers to place chicken pieces straight into a frying pan without having to touch them.

The plastic coverings are being developed with millennials specifically in mind because apparently, we don’t want to touch uncooked meat.

That seems fair enough – raw meat is kind of gross because, well, it’s literally cold, dead flesh.

Many of us find the feel of raw meat just too close to the real thing for comfort.

But if we aren’t prepared to touch it, should we be comfortable eating it?

For us city dwellers, it’s perfectly possible to go through life without ever really seeing meat in its original or close-to-original form. Sausages and patties look nothing like, well, anything in the real world, while plastic-packaged filets and steaks are hard to associate with the chickens and cows you might drive past or see on screen.


Nicola is one of these omnivorous millennials who says that they can’t face touching raw meat.

‘I can only eat meat if I completely separate it mentally from what it actually is,’ she tells Metro.co.uk.

‘If it looks anything like itself then I can’t eat it. I only eat chicken now and only if there’s no indicator that it is what is it. So I’m basically lying to myself.’

Nicola admits that it’s hypocritical to eat meat if you can’t deal with it in its raw form.

vegan illustrations
Maybe you’re better off sticking with nice, dry, plant-based food (Picture: Ella Byworth for Metro.co.uk)

‘But also, raw meat is just really disgusting. I’ve stopped eating meat for weeks on end because the thought of raw meat was so gross.

‘All of my ideals align with being a vegetarian. I’m just a really fussy eater – I’ve cut way back on my meat consumption but can’t jump the final hurdle. I’m the worst kind of person.’

No doubt, that’s the sort of opinion that can annoy us plant-based eaters. After all, if you like meat, why not just crack on?

‘Touching flesh is probably naturally quite disgusting to most people because it signifies a dead animal. If you don’t care, that’s your choice. Eat away,’ says Jerry, a former big-time BBQ ribs eater and now a vegan.

‘But completely avoiding the situation is wrong and shows you’re happy being blissfully ignorant about the widespread slaughter rather than getting your own hands dirty and facing reality.’

Perhaps it’s a little like ‘you should only eat meat if you’re prepared to kill it’ argument.

In the country, it’s not unusual to meet people who either shoot or prepare their meat and for many non-meat eaters, that’s seen as a more ethical way around. Honoring the animal, taking responsibility for its death and then enjoying the spoils is a more holistic approach to a life taken.

Royalty free stock photo of 5 chicken breastsShot in Raw and Post-processed in ProPhoto RGB. No sharpening applied.
(Picture: Getty)

In the Ethical Carnivore:: My Year Killing to Eat, author Louise Gray, a farmer’s daughter, talks about the ‘respect’ and ‘gratitude’ she has towards the animals she kills.


She says that while you don’t have to kill your own meat, we should all make an effort to know exactly where it’s come from. By doing that, we’ll all naturally start eating less of it – and probably will enjoy more it.

After all, we should enjoy our food in every way, with every sense. If you can’t stand the touch…are you really enjoying your food to its fullest potential? For a start, that makes seasoning meat a lot harder and most fresh meats need flavouring (unless, as many claim, it’s very freshly killed – which people say tastes more intense than ‘fresh’ meat that’s a few days old).

But it’s not always just the animal connection that puts us off touching meat.

For many, it’s just its grim texture. One person tells me that they can’t touch mushrooms either – that they’re as bad as raw meat.

Kate agrees: ‘To be honest it’s not the reminder that it was a live animal. I just don’t like slimy feel of raw meat in general. I understand the process from farm to plate and I try to only buy responsibly sourced meat. I can’t eat sashimi either’.

But when I put Sainsbury’s new touchless system to her, she says she’s not keen on that either.

‘Personally, more plastic packaging/non-recyclable material isn’t the answer. I just get on with it but don’t enjoy it at all.’

We might cringe at the thought of touching uncooked flesh (one friend tells me she cooks with a kitchen fork and knife so as to avoid any possibility of skin-to-meat contact), but that doesn’t mean we want sponsored sanitation.


Alice tells Metro.co.uk: ‘Personally, I think that’s ridiculous…I mean I’m not veggie, but I’ve always thought there’s something a bit hypocritical about liking meat and eating it, but being put off by touching it when raw…(though I am definitely one of these people!).

‘It feels a bit like being a “fake” carnivore…I get how it may be lucrative for Sainsbury’s to try and satisfy their customers in that way, but honestly, it is just one of these things that just makes us all more and more spoilt.’

TL;DR if you can’t face touching it, you don’t have a right to eat it.

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