
Plant-Based 'Meat,' Cashew 'Cheese': Do We Need New Language For Alternative Foods?

Vegan cheese

'Kojiterie' in Berlin, Germany, makes cashew "cheese" including blue cheese, cream cheese and camembert, which it calls Cashewbert. (Photo by Steffi Loos/Getty Images)

Plant-based alternatives to meat and dairy and lab-cultured “meats” are seizing an ever-growing share of the marketplace. Impossible Foods and Beyond Meat, makers of plant-based meat alternatives, have received funding reportedly upwards of $387 million and $72 million respectively from an impressive roster of investors, including Bill Gates and Leonardo DiCaprio. Mosa Meat, which produces beef from cattle cells, just received an $8.8 million investment from drugmaker Merck and European meat processor Bell Food Group, proving that the interest in developing a process to create meat without animal slaughter is growing in the marketplace.

Venture capitalists and marketers seem okay with using words like meat, mayo, cheese and shrimp to describe analogous plant-based products. The investor community is rushing to create plant-based unicorns. Impossible, Mosa, and Memphis Meats, which produces beef, chicken and duck directly from animal cells, all ca­ll their products “meat,” or in the case of Impossible, “meat made from plants.” I get it: From a marketing perspective, calling it “meat” is an easy way to connect the dots for eaters who want to understand what they’re chewing.

But how does all of this really land with consumers? Should these products be called “meat”? And what about other foods, like cashew “cheese” and vegan “mayo”? New Wave foods even makes a plant-based “shrimp.”

A recent Consumer Reports survey found that the vast majority of Americans believe that meat produced in a lab using cultured animal cells should be labeled differently than conventional meat. Forty nine percent said it should be labeled as “meat, but accompanied by an explanation about how it is produced,” while another 40% said it should be labeled as “something other than meat.” Only 5% thought it should be labeled as “meat without any further explanation.”

Most of us have accepted terms like soy and almond “milk.” But what about Perfect Day’s “dairy” products, which use genetic sequencing and 3D printing to make dairy proteins without the need for cows? How about mayonnaise? Unilever was not happy when Just Mayo (an eggless product made from pea protein) came on the market. They sued the parent company Hampton Creek (now called Just For All) over the use of the term “mayo,” claiming that mayo, by definition, had to include eggs. After public outcry and a landslide of bad press about it, Unilever eventually dropped the suit.

Labeling and regulation of cultured meat products were hot topics at a recent FDA public meeting, with various stakeholders from startups and the agricultural industry weighing in on terminology and regulation. Some companies are relying on alternative spellings for traditional foods make with animal products, such as Heidi Ho’s vegan “cheeze,” Made with Love’s almond “mylk,” and “Vegenaise.” Does that relegate them to the vegan market? If we’re going to get real environmental benefit from these resource-saving products, the goal is mainstreaming them.

We may need to develop a new language for these emerging foods. The first (and so far only) creative example of this I’ve found is Ocean Hugger Foods’ “ahimi,” which is a tomato-based product designed to replace raw ahi tuna. Though on their website they still call it “raw Ahi without the tuna,” and frankly, I wouldn’t know what “ahimi” was without that definition. So, understanding the animal analogue is essential in order for me to appreciate ahimi.

I’m a huge supporter of plant-based alternatives to animal products, because I think we need to find ways to reduce the impacts of animal agriculture on the planet. I also like to know what I’m eating.

Others do too. Based on Consumer Reports’ findings, the public has a desire for clarity on naming conventions for these products. Eventually the law will have to decide what the naming and labeling protocols should be. Without the consistency of legally defined language or labeling, the current scattershot approach will continue to confuse consumers. Emerging businesses may want to consider this possibility now to avoid the cost of having to rebrand and relabel their products in the future. Trying to trick the consumer is never a winning strategy.





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